Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Persuasion Parapraph

Food irradiation has several positive applications. Firstly, irradiation of food can be used to kill harmful organisms and bacteria on the food. By interfering in the organic process, irradiation can prevent food decay. This process breaks down bacteria, yeasts, and moulds and kills insects as well as their eggs and larvae. Irradiation can be preferred to other chemical treatments because there is no residue left on the food. Food irradiation can be an important tool in keeping our food clean and safe to eat. Secondly, food irradiation can help to extend the shelf life of several foods. The use of irradiation to extend shelf life is comparatively much less expensive then other chemical methods. The use of irradiation will also retain more of the foods texture, flavour and nutrient value then alternative methods. In conclusion the irradiation of food has many positive uses both with killing harmful bacteria on food and by helping to safety expand the shelf life.

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