Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Argument Paragraph

Nadya Suleman’s doctor should not have allowed her to have six embryos implanted through invitro. Firstly, Nadya already had six kids under the age of seven. Three of these children have disabilities. I can not imagine how Nadya felt she had enough time for all her children then! She is a single parent and could not afford outside help. Fertility doctors exist to help people who desperately want a child. Nadya was lucky. She had six kids; she didn’t need more, certainly not at that time. Secondly, there was no reason for six embryos to be implanted. Guidelines recommend implanting no more than two into women under 35, such as Nadya. Nadya’s doctor knew her success with her past pregnancies, and should not have been concerned that the procedure would not work. The doctor was also aware that Nadya was against selective reduction, should it be an issue. Thirdly, the mother of 14 is currently unemployed. She has not been working for sometime and is living with her children at her parent’s house. Her mother declared bankruptcy last year. The family receives food stamps each month. Clearly, this is not a family who could have afforded even one more child.

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