Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Cause and Effect Paragraph

There are many reasons why people imigrate to Canada. Firstly, lots of people come to Canada to escape religious prosecution. Canadian's recieve the luxury of practising what ever religion they want, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. This would be a welcome gift for sure to those who have their life threatened because of their religion back home. Secondly, people may come to Canada so that their children can receive a proper education. Free, quality public schools is a luxury that not all countries have. Children who go to school will also learn english, which many people feel is vital for success in the world today. Immigrants can come to Canada and be sure that their children recieve a great education so that they can grow up to do whatever they want. Thirdly, people may wish to come to Canada to live near family. Families may want to live closer to their relatives who live in Canada. Often, when people visit Canada they are amazed by its beauty, and people may be persuaded by those who they know that live here that Canada is a great place to live. There are many reasons why people chose to move to Canada.

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