Thursday, February 12, 2009

Metacognitive Reflection #1

Reflecting on the evaluations that the class made on my presentation skills, I feel that I have a better idea of my strengths and weaknesses. My biggest strength, is that I try and contribute as much as possible to the discussion. I also respect other peoples ideas and contributions. My biggest weakness in oral communication is that I don't articulate my ideas well. When I am in front of a lot of people I become nervous, and lose track of what I am saying. I often have good ideas in my head, but they don't get properly communicated in oral discussion. I am the type of person who likes to contimplate their ideas for a while. This means that I am great at discussing ideas that I have already thought about but not as good with ideas that are brought up in the discussion. It isn't that I can't come up with ideas quickly, but I wonder if they are good enough to share with my group. This is a skill that I really need to improve because it is so important in school and life in general. To improve this skill, I think I need to just say the ideas that come into my head. The worse that could happen, is people will disagree. I also think that I need to make sure that I am really prepared, so that I feel very confident to share my ideas. If I had to chose a word that described my oral communication skills I would pick a leader. However, I think I am only a leader when I have to be. If someone else resumes the role of the leader, I am quite happy to sit back, and to just contribute. If no one is stepping up to the leadership position, then I will gladly step in. I found it really interesting to look at the feedback from the class. I think it was also interesting how people changed their behavior when they knew that the outer circle was evaluating them.

1 comment:

  1. Good reflection, Victoria. One of the ways you can combine your leanings toward leadership and your need to think through your response is to take on the role of questioner. Ask people to explain further what they mean? Or, pose a question about the text. This allows you to provide some direction while buying time to ascertain your own point of view.
